A / C-tick is by the Australian Communications Authority (Australian Communicatio ns Authority, or ACA) to the communications equipment certification mark. Manufacturers and imports must be in accordance with the following further steps to use more A-tick :
1,A product implementation of technical standards for testing ACAQ
2, ACA registered to use A / C-Tick
3. fill "in accordance with the statement" (Declaration of Conformity Form) and products and, together with record-keeping
4, in communications products or equipment affixed with A / C-tick logo identification (label) 5. A sale to consumers - tick applies only to telecommunications products, electronic products, mostly for C-tick. But if electronic products for A-tick, you do not need to apply for C-tick.
Since November 2001, to Australia / New Zealand for the merger of EMI; If a product in this country two sales, in the following documents required before marketing Qi, for ACA (Australian Communications Authority) or New Zealand (Ministry of Economic Development) at any time pumping Zha :
1. Test-must be NATA or NATA each other's certification, and If 10M accredited or recognized laboratory issuance of valid, otherwise request to send samples measured probability is very high.
2. "Application to use the C-tick Mark" Form-be by the Australia / New Zealand companies or importer responsible for the signature.
3. "Supplier's Declaration of Conformity" For m-be from Australia / New Zealand companies or importer responsible for the signature.Signed responsible manufacturers have the responsibility to ensure that sales of products continues to meet the requirements of EMI.
4. Primitive Draft Design and specifications (eg : Line map, block diagram, User's Manual and Service Manual, etc.).
5. Production describes the production process to ensure the maintenance of EMI characteristics.
6. Any impact on EMI and described the changes necessary test records..